Enforcer Instant Knockdown Wasp & Hornet Killer instantly eliminates a dangerous problem. This spray kills the entire nest and has a 22′ shotgun blast range. It is non-conductive up to 47,300 volts. Non-flammable. Additionally, Enforcer Instant Knockdown Wasp & Hornet Killer leaves residual poison to destroy insects returning to their nest. For outdoor use only.
Kills: Wasps, Hornets & Yellow Jackets
Active Ingredients: Tetrametherin & Sumithrin
H-Brand Feed offers a variety of quality feeds for livestock and pets, farm and ranch supplies, and also serves as a hunting center, a haven for lawn and garden enthusiasts. Additionally, we’re proud to be your local STIHL supplier. Stop by our store located in Jacksboro, TX and explore our wide range of products and services. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to welcome you and help with all of your feed and supply needs.